Fiji Pro 2012

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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar Tonneau » Mar Juin 12, 2012 14:49

Ceci dit ça n'a pas empêcher la compète de se dérouler dans des conditions plutôt bonnes comparé a d'autres (brésil notamment) d'apres ce que je peux lire (vu que j'ai vu aucun heat de cette compète :( )
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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar kevinseconds » Mar Juin 12, 2012 19:12

Je propose de renommer cette étape : le "tonton fred would go" :lol:
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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar kyu » Mar Juin 12, 2012 20:40

:lol: :cool:
C'est pour ça qu'il n'y a pas d'étape du world tour en vendée, les pros auraient refusé d'y aller : trop méchant ! :lol:
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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar arnaudls » Mar Juin 12, 2012 21:03

:lol: :lol: :lol: ça charrie :fufu:
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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar Grolapin » Mer Juin 13, 2012 15:34

A ne pas visionner sans Sopalin...

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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar zitoune » Mer Juin 13, 2012 15:45

c'est sur que vu comme ça :amour:

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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar Indy » Mer Juin 13, 2012 17:19

ça donne envi vu sous cet angle !
Moi j'attends les images de Slater en Gopro vu qu'il vient de devenir le surfeur phare de la marque et signé un bon contrat.
En esperant qu'il ai au moins pensé à prendre une cam, vu que je n'ai vu aucune de ses boards avec un pad ou quoique ce soit de gopro :(
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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar zitoune » Jeu Juin 14, 2012 08:05

Extraits :
he then found himself on a boat in the channel ***spam*** his wife begging him not to surf, no boards even if he wanted to and the sickening feeling one of the great moments in surfing history was about to pass him by

La femme de fanning qui lui demande de pas aller à l'eau :o


Was the right decision made?

I think it was. Surfing waves like that is all about preparation. In the past if the swell got that big the event would run at Restaurants.

Not everyone had access to the necessary equipment and that would have meant you got guys out there under-gunned or on unfamiliar boards. That’s just dangerous.
When I was paddling out I realised a lot of the big wave guys were wearing those thin life vests. I felt like a dick for not having one.

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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar wAga » Dim Juin 17, 2012 08:56


The Surfer's Journal a écrit:
The One That Got Away

When it's pumping and seemingly getting bigger by the minute, sometimes a wave comes through that nobody wants a part of. This Cloudbreak beast would qualify. Even ***spam*** both the world's best competitive surfers and the world's best big-wave surfers gathering on Tavarua for this swell event last week some waves bowled through unridden. Seems restraint can be the better part of valor...especially when you consider that the green board in the lip is about nine feet long.

Photo: Tom Servais

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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar soroli » Dim Juin 17, 2012 11:28

J'aimerais bien savoir ce qu'est devenu le gars en jersey rouge posé sur la lèvre dans les 2/3 secondes qui ont suivi ...
Ça ne sent pas bon pour lui sur cette photo :bye:
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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar kyu » Mar Juin 19, 2012 10:52

« One of the worst decisions in the history of the sport was not to compete at Cloudbreak – truly a missed opportunity of epic proportions both for the fans and the pro surfers themselves. A one-two punch to the head of the ASP = A black eye for the organization and a black eye for the best surfers in the world denied of showing the world what they can do in epic surf. »

-Shaun Tomson, 1977 World Champ

Kelly Slater:

« Man, it was a great week, but it seemed like everyone focused on the downside. They could have run four maybe five heats that big day, and even the big-wave guys all said it was the right thing [for the contest not to run]. Without having the equipment and without the flotation, and then only having two guys in the lineup it would have been really confronting for those two guys. But hey, everyone would have gone out there and done their best and got a few waves, just that somebody might have drowned, that’s all.” (

et intéressant cet article sur surfline :
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Re: Fiji Pro 2012

Messagepar Gart » Mer Juin 20, 2012 19:04

Encore une vidéo de cette session légendaire, je m'en lasse pas :

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